Proof of Concept Release

Hello, survivors!

I'm thrilled to announce that the proof of concept for The Last of Us: Between The Years is now available for testing! This GameBoy project has been a labor of love, and I’m excited to finally share a glimpse of Joel’s untold story with you. Here’s what you can expect in this initial release and how you can get involved:

What’s Included

  • Introductory Gameplay: Dive into the early stages of Joel’s journey, exploring the challenges and relationships he encounters in the 20 years following Sarah's death.
  • Core Mechanics: Experience the main mechanics, including traversal, combat, and interaction systems.
  • Early Story Elements: Get a taste of the narrative direction and character dynamics that will unfold.

What’s Next

This is just the beginning! The proof of concept is designed to gather feedback and gauge interest. Depending on the community’s response, future updates may include:

  • Expanded Storylines: More missions, character arcs, and secrets to uncover.
  • Enhanced Gameplay Features: Improved mechanics, new abilities, and deeper interactions.
  • Polished Visuals and Sound: Refined graphics, animations, and audio for a more immersive experience.

How You Can Help

Your feedback is invaluable. Here’s how you can contribute:

  • Play and Share: Play the proof of concept, play through it, and share your thoughts.
  • Feedback: Leave comments, suggestions, and bug reports. What did you love? What needs improvement?
  • Community Ideas: Have ideas for new features? I’d love to hear them!

Thank you for your support and enthusiasm. I can’t wait to hear what you think and continue this journey together!

Get The Last of Us: Between The Years

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